Donate Mantra Shakti
We are facing difficult times these days and its our duty to help our-self by helping positive forces of the universe. i.e siddhas, Rishis, Yoginis, pitrus/ancestors, kuladevatas/family gods, Archangels, Angels & other.
So we need to create positive karma and donate our mantra shakti to divine forces so that we can support and empower these divine forces. Most of these forces don’t need it but as our collective karma with mantra shakti influences the universal system to work towards us.This is our Dharma and real service for the world.
Donate minimum one japamala(108 times) of the Sukshma Siva-Shakti mantra to the divine forces who are silently working day & night for upliftment of the humanity. This in-turn helps you to overcome your Pitru doshas, kuladevatas doshas, etc and other problems. It also helps to get guidance from these positive forces of the universe so you can solve many issues of your life.
The intention when you chant the mantra should be as follow:
“I am offering one japamala(108times) of the “Sukshma Siva-Shakti mantra” to empower all my Pitrus/ancestors, kuladevatas/family gods, Rishis, Siddhas, Yoginis, Archangels, Angels & other divine forces who are working for the upliftment of my family, World and Humanity.So be it.”
Sukshma Siva-Shakti Mantra:
“Om Hreem Shivayanama Om”
Venue: Quiet place where you don’t feel disturbed
Date: Everyday
Time :Anytime
Guidelines for Mantra meditation:
-Sit on a woollen mat (you can also use chair but keep woolen mat below your feet) in a quiet place in a comfortable position with spine kept straight and facing east or north for the meditation.
-Chant OM Nine times to balance you energy centers in the body
-Do deep breathing for 1-2 minutes
-Make an intention as:
“I am offering one japamala(108times) of the Siva-shakti mantra to empower all my Pitrus/ancestors, kuladevatas/family gods, Rishis, Siddhas, Yoginis, Archangels, Angels & other divine forces who are working for the upliftment of my family, World and Humanity.So be it.”
-Visualize Lord Shiva in ajna chakra (in between the eyebrows) and chant mantra mentally by using rudraksha/crystal japamala.
-Chant the mantra for 108 times or 15-30 min everyday.
-Relax for 5 mins and offer gratitude to siva-shakti.