Lord Dattatreya and Madhumati or Anagha Lakshmi Sadhana

Eligibility : Beginners 

For any Query Please Call: 7483528148 /

9901019177 (Sunday Closed)

Who is eligible:

  • Anyone who want experience divine and discover truth about himself and life.   

  • No prior knowledge of any type is needed.

  • Age limit is between 18 to 75 years.

Who is NOT eligible:

  • If you have undergone any type of Medical Surgery recently (within 1-2 months)

  • Its not suggested to attend and learn these techniques during pregnancy 

  • People who are suffering any mental disorders like severe depression, bipolar, Schizophrenia disorders are not eligible.

    Course Details:

> Introduction to Lord Dattatreya and Anagha Lakshmi Sadhana

> Chintamani Ganapathi Mantra deeksha

> Kshetrapala bhairav Mantra deeksha

> Dattatreya invocation Mantra Deeksha

> Dattatreya mantra, tantra & manovanchita siddhi mantra deeksha

> Dattatreya Moola Mantra combined with shakti Bija Mantra Deeksha

> Dattatreya  Vedic-tantric combined bijakshara Mala mantra deeksha

> Madhumati or Anagha Lakshmi Mantra Deeksha

> Guidelines for regular Dattatreya meditation

>Q & A Session


Benefits of Lord Dattatreya and Anagha Lakshmi Sadhana

> Awaken Guru tattva within & spiritual growth

> Overcome Navagraha Dosha

> Overcome childless Issues

> Remove mentally retarded children afflictions

> Overcome any type of psychic and tantric attack

> Removal of “Pitru dosha” and “Pitru-shapa” or the curse of deceased ancestors.

> Harmony and happiness in the family

> Peace of mind and freedom from afflictions

> Commanding speech and self-confidence

> Well being of Children

> Attract Prosperity and Abundance


Payment Info:

Registration Fees is Rs.5970 (18% GST Included) ($99 for outside India)

After Payment, please mail payment details to  prem999ananda@gmail.com  so that we can check and confirm your participation.

Online Payment Options

Registration Fees Fees: Within India INR 5970 and Outside India $99

we don’t accept bank transfer from abroad due to documentation  etc.






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