Siddha Science of Self Empowerment, Self Realization & Self Ascension

 Sri Vidya level-2 to 3 workshop is held on 6th April 2025 in Bangalore

Please Note that On-Spot Registration is Not available. Pre-Registration is MUST !

Eligibility: should completed Level-1 from us

Its Mandatory that participants should carry their SSRC ID Cards for Registration.


For any Query Please Call: 7483528148 / 


Srividya Level-2 & 3 workshop Details:

Srividya level-2 Deeksha – Thirumoolar Navakkari Mantra Sadhana
• Introuction to Thirumoolar Navakkari Mantra
• Srividya Initiation Level-2
• How Navakkari mantra helps to invoke Nine Shaktis into your body
• How Navakkari Mantra removes all astrological doshas/planetary ill effects
• How Navakkari Mantra is equivalent to Navadurga or Other das mahavidyas sadhana
• Q & A Session

Srividya level-3 Deeksha – Thirumoolar Navakkari Pranayama Sadhana
o Introuction to Thirumoolar Navakkari Mantra pranayama
o Collective srividya sadhana
o Srividya Group healing
o Srividya Initiation Level-3
o Discussion on Why Navakkari Pranyam is more powerful practice then Navakkari mantra sadhana
o Q & A Session



Date: 6th April 2025 (Sunday)

Time: 9AM to 6.30 PM


Mobile: 9901019177 / 7483528148

Venue: (Map is given at the end of this page)

Sivapremananda Self-Realization Center
No.87, 3rd Main, 2nd Cross,  Raghvendra Layout,
Gubbalala, Bangalore -560061
Mobile: 9901019177 / 7483528148

Accommodation: CLICK HERE to check list of Hotels and PG hostels nearby

What cloths to wear & things to bring for workshop:

Please wear any comfortable clothes and bring a pen & notebook for writing important points.

please note that, we will provide lunch, tea & course notes during the workshop.

Payment Info:

Registration Fees for Srividya Level-2 & 3 is Rs.7000 ($120) (18% GST Included)

After Payment, please mail payment details to  so that we can check and confirm your participation.

You can pre-register by using Razor-pay payment gateway.

Online Payment


Sivapremananda Self-Realization Center
No.87, 3rd Main, 2nd Cross,  Raghvendra Layout,
Gubbalala, Bangalore -560061
Mobile: 9901019177 / 7483528148

 Venue Map: Sivapremananda self-realization centre

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