Goddess Bagalamukhi Sadhana

Goddess Baglamukhi is the eighth mahavidya in the series of 10 mahavidyas. She is identified with the courage and strength. Goddess Baglamukhi has the power of turning things into its opposite. She can turn silence into speech, ignorance into knowledge, defeat into a victory, ugliness into beauty, poverty into wealth, Selfishness to friendliness. She also unfolds the reality behind the appearance and save us from being deceived by something and by someone.

Eligibility: Beginners can apply for this deeksha.

For any Queries, Please Call to us: 07483528148, 09901019177 (Sunday Closed)

Out of all the 10 Mahavidyas, Ma Bagalamukhi mahavidya sadhana is associated with a huge amount of occult powers.  She is also sometimes called the Brahmaastra (this is the weapon of Brahmaa that he uses during warfare).
To win over enemies, Bagalamukhi mantra sadhana can act as a perfect weapon she paralyzes enemy’s speech, destroys an enemy’s intellect, and destroys enemy’s mal-intention for doing wrong things and doing of harm against someone. Divine Mother Baglamukhi has the power to remove  the effect of Black Magic and Evils eye. To get the victory in legal issues, offering made to her may play a very vital role. Baglamukhi mantra sadhana turns hostile people friendlier to you and stops doing harm against you. Yellow clothes, garland made of turmeric, yellow seat and yellow flowers are used in her worship. Maa Baglamukhi is the presiding goddess with desire of annihilating the demons in her individual form.

Bagalamukhi Mantra Deeksha

  • Bagalamukhi Mantra to overcome Internal & External Enemies

  • Bagalamukhi Mantra for Sarva Karya Siddhi

  • Bagalamukhi Mantra for Money flow, Abundance and Prosperity

  • Bagalamukhi Yogic Kriya Pranayama  by Vasista Rishi to establish bagalmukhi shakti in your subtle bodies in  a powerful & fastest way.

  • Mrityunjaya Mantra Deeksha of Kahola Rishi to enhance & balance Bagalamukhi  shakti

Bagalamukhi Sadhana Benefits

  • Protection: Baglamukhi is worshipped for protection from accidents, cuts, scars, and operations. She is also said to ward off evil spirits, Yakshani, and evil people. 

  • Success: Baglamukhi is said to help devotees succeed in competitions, lawsuits, and quarrels. 

  • Peace: Baglamukhi is said to fill devotees’ minds and hearts with positive energy, which can help balance positive and negative aspects of life. 

  • Prosperity: Baglamukhi is said to help devotees remove debts and enhance prosperity at home. 

  • Focus: Baglamukhi is said to help students get good marks and focus on their studies. 

  • Confidence: Baglamukhi is said to build trust, bravery, and determination in devotees. 

  • Harmony: Baglamukhi is said to help establish harmony in home and life. 

  • Friendly people: Baglamukhi is said to turn hostile people friendly


Registration Fees: Rs.5970 ($99) Includes 18% GST

After Payment, Please mail us payment details to prem999ananda@gmail.com so that we can guide you with registration form, deeksa schedule and procedure.

To pre-register for workshop:

Email: prem999ananda@gmail.com 

Mobile: 7483528148  /  9901019177 (Sunday Closed)

Payment Info:

Online Payment

Registration Fees:Rs.5970 (Includes 18% GST)

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