on Auspicious Maha Shivaratri 26th Feb 2025 at 5PM to 9PM(IST)
Shivohum to All,
Maha Shivaratri Shiva Mantra Deeksha Group Meditation Live Streaming Event on 26th Feb 2025 at 5PM (IST) !
Please Note that, its a Deeksha Event so Youtube Video will NOT be avialable after the Event. Please note all the mantras & important points during the Live session only. The participants who attend Live Event are ONLY eligible to receive & chant the Shiva deeksha mantras.
Please encourage your family members and friends to join this event because guruji will be seeding siva mantras into all participants soul.
No pre-registration is needed for a person who is attending Live Event Online from their home!
(Please note that only students who have SSRC ID card are allowed to attend In-person in our bangalore center with pre-registration. Pre-Registration is Must!)
Don’t miss this opportunity to gift this precious sacred blessings to your loved ones on this Auspicious day of Shivaratri!!!
Lord Siva is the Adi guru of our Siddha Parampara. Shivaratri is the the most auspicious day to all our students who have chosen this parampara because Shiva consciousnes, energy and vibration is 1000 times more powerful on this earth. So we take this opportunity to connect with our Adi Guru Lord Siva on this auspicious day through group meditation under the guidance of Sivapremanandaji.
Mahasiddhar Thirumoolarji meditated for 3300 years on this earth and he used to come out of samadhi once in a year to bless all the students on shivaratri day only.So this is also an opportunity to Receive his special blessings and grace for our spiritual growth on this auspicious day.
Sadguru Sri Sivapremanandaji offering following Mantra deeksha during live event:
1.Lord Ganesh Mantra
2.Subramanya Mantra
3.Mahadeva Raksha Mantra
4.Rudra Mantra
5.Mrityunjay Mantra
6.Stula Shiva mantra
7.Sukshma Shiva Mantra
8.Ati-sukshma Shiva Mantra
9.karan Shiva Mantra
10.Ati-karana Sivamantra
11.Thirumoolar Sivamantra
These mantras helps to bring siva consciousness at physical, energy, astral, mental and soul body of our being. This is highest sadhana one can practice during shivaratri that will bring material prosperity and spiritual growth.