R-Kriya Yoga

Rajarajeswari Kriya: Kriya Yoga of Kaya Siddhi

Highly Effective & Scientific Prana Kriyas of Siddhas to heal and prevent oneself from all the disease, disorder and disability to experience ultimate wellness.

Unlock the Power Within to be Diseases Free for a Life time!

Contact: 7483528148, 9901019177 (Sunday Closed)

For any Queries,Please Call to Us: 7483528148,  9901019177 (Sunday Closed)

Salient Features of Rajarajeswari Kriya Yoga:

  • Turn off stress, Anxiety, Tension,  and tap into your autonomic nervous system

  • Clear toxins from your gut, remove nasal and sinus congestion and purify your blood.

  • Lower inflammation, create more energy, promote self healing,

  • Increases the blood flow & oxygen supply to internal organs & endocrine system.

  • Strengthening & toning of nervous system

  • Cleanse your digestive system, eliminate bad bacteria and promote growth of good bacteria.

  • Boosts the Immunity System

  • More stamina, Better Sexual Energy circulation, Anti-aging, Longevity and Peak performance.

  • Awakens dormant parts of your brain, Increases the brain functions & psychosomatic coordinations

  • Clear negative imprints of subconscious Mind and liberate from the past,

  • Activate Psychic Chakras (Energy Centers) & Psychic Nadis (Energy Channels) by purifying the Panchabhutas (5 fundamental elements) of the human body (Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Space)

  • Activate and Circulate Primary Pancha Pranas (Pran, Apan, Udan, Saman, & Vyan) which release most of the energy blocks in subtle bodies.

Real solution to all your Health Problems!

 Benefits of Rajarajeswari Kriya Yoga :

  • Regulates the blood pressure (Hyper tension) & Cholesterol by increasing the blood circulation through-out the body

  • Improves the overall functions of all internal organs & endocrine gland

  • Free from mental stress & addictions effortlessly

  • Increases the Vitality & reduces the risk of Cancer

  • Activates body detoxification & blood purification process

  • Relief from chronic ailments like Asthma, Diabetes, Migraine, Thyroid, Obesity, Acidity & Skin problems

  • Protects from the risk of Coronary artery disease & heart disorders

  • Increases your Brain functions, will power, concentration & memory capacity

  • Much More…

Rajarajeswari Kriya Yoga Experiences

What it Involves:

Initiation/Deeksha into Ancient Secret Breathing Prana Kriyas, Mudras & Powerful Healing mantra.

Who is eligible:

  • Its for a person who want to improve her/his health.No prior knowledge of any type is needed. 

  • Age limit is between 18 to 65 years. 

Who is NOT eligible:

  • If you have undergone any type of Medical Surgery recently (within 1-6 months)

  • Its not suggested to attend and learn these techniques during pregnancy for women.

  •  People who are suffering from bipolar and Schizophrenia disorders are not eligible.

  • its not advised for children. Age limit is between 18 to 65 years. 


If you have a attended the Rajarajeshwari kriya Yoga workshop and interested to access distance course again then its considered as a repetition. You can make 50% of the registration fees (Rs.3500 or $60) and send us details.

How to Apply for Distance Rajarajeswari Kriya Yoga Deeksha:


Registration Fees: Rs.7000 or $120 (Includes 18% GST) NOTE: The registration fees is non-refundable and Non-transferable. If you can’t attend workshop due to some reason then You can postpone your participation for the next workshop.

After Payment, Please mail us payment details to prem999ananda@gmail.com  so that we can guide you with registration form, deeksa schedule and procedure.

Online Payment 

Registration Fees: Rs.7000

Registration Fees: $120

Register For Upcoming WorkshopsRegister Now
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