Sri Sampath Siddhi Sadhana

Sri Sampath Siddhi Sadhana – Wealth and Abundance Consciousness Mantra course


Eligibility: beginners


For any Queries, Please Call to us: 7483528148  /  09901019177


Course content:

– What is Beejamantratmak Sri Suktam ? Its importance in our life ?

– What is the Esotoric meaning of Sri suktam ?

– Why sri suktam is called “sarva soubhagyadayaka” stotra?

What is Lakshmi Tattva and How to Balance it in your life


You will Receive following Mantras Deeksha:

– Srividya Samapath Ganapathi Mantra Deeksha

– Lakshmi Dakshinamurthy Mantra Deeksha

– Swarnakarshna Bhairav Mantra deeksha

 -Kubera Mantra Deeksha

– Bijamantratmik Srisuktam deeksha which contains Bija mantras of Srisuktam , Kamala Mahavidya bhoga pradhana mantra, Kamala Mahavidya Moksha pradhana mantra and Bhuvaneswari Mahalakshmi wealth mantra 


After payment, please e-mail ( us payment details and your SSRC id number. We will check and send your deeksha schedule and procedure


Online Payment 

Registration Fees for participant  within India Rs. 5970


Registration Fees for participant  within India $99

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